It didn’t rain on our parade! Renewable Innovations was excited to show off how we are leading the Hydrogen Future at the Utah State Capitol on Oct 19 at the Hydrogen @ Scale event.

We offered demonstrations of how we are integrating Hydrogen into our green, clean renewable power systems. Didn’t get to see it in person? Check it out below and let us know if you want us to come to your city or company next!

MEC Hydrogen mobile charging being shown off at the Utah capitol


Mobile Energy Command - Hydrogen Powered Charging

Introducing the MEC - H2 EV

Our Mobile Energy Command - H2 EV Rapid Charging station offers anytime, anywhere clean, green EV charging. In fact, we just got back from the Rebelle Rally providing charging in the desert to the intrepid road rally teams using EV and PHEVs on-course. READ MORE.

While this unit is on wheels, this same system can be stationary at convenience stores to level the playing field between gasoline and electric vehicles. And with its ability to RAPID charge to a “full tank” within 15-20 mins … now EV owners can pull into a station, fill up on some drinks and snacks, and come out to a fully charged vehicle. That’s the best way to solve the range anxiety problem that we know!

MEC Solar parked in front of Utah capitol


Mobile Energy Command - Solar Power

And our Mobile Energy Command - Solar too!

Though it was a rainy day, we still had solar power! Our Mobile Energy Command - Solar (MEC-Solar) has a powerful storage capability allowing us to harness yesterday’s sun ☀️!

The 53-foot mobile power system features a control enclosure lined with high-density solar panels combined with “follow-the-sun” Smart flowers on each side to collectivity deliver 50 KW of peak power for @Rebelle Rally base camp.

Did you know? That’s enough power for 6-8 homes per day!

President & CEO, Robert Mount talking about MEC Solar with attendees

President & CEO, Robert Mount meeting with attendees.

Renewable Innovations employee talking about MEC Solar with attendees

Mechanical Engineer, Nathan Christiansen talking with attendees.

Renewable Innovations employee showing the MEC Hydrogen EV Rapid Chargers at Utah State Capitol

Mechanical Engineer, Alex Richins discussing the EV Rapid Chargers with an attendee

View of hydrogen fuel cells inside the MEC Hydrogen system

View of hydrogen fuel cells inside the MEC - H2 EV


We Did It! Green Power Delivered in Extreme Conditions


We’re Off To the Rally!